The last two days of the week have been just as successful as the rest. Work has continued on cleaning back the site, and wet sieving was set up too. Whilst this happened students and volunteers began cleaning and drying the pottery finds. Two of the nicer pot sherds were a piece of decorated Samian ware, and some German stoneware, which has a lovely blue glaze.
With so much pottery being found the finds were almost constantly being 3D located, with wrists tiring at all the entries going into the finds register! George Flower, one of the University students had a particularly fun time doing this.
Over at the Hub we had a multitude of interested folk visiting us on Thursday, 40 in total. On Friday Bill Horner, the County Archaeologist, dropped by with some displays explaining the history of the site, and interesting finds across Devon, which help to explain the work that Devon County Council and the Historic Environment Records do.
That’s it for the first week, we hope that you have enjoyed learning about what we have been up to as much as much as we have doing it!