The Site was a-buzz with activity on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tuesday saw the Hub close earlry so that James and Greg could get some filming and
photographing of the site done (some of which is now on our Facebook page). The highlight of this filming saw Danielle carefully lift a bent copper alloy pin. Whether this pin was purposefully bent for use, or whether it was bent at a later date, we do not yet know.

Tuesday was a scorcher, so we set up a gazebo to prove some shade for those on site. In the evening we took a trip to Denbury Hill fort, so a particular thank you to Bill Horner and Ranger John for that. We started at a perfect time with the sun just starting to set, and as we walked up through the ancient entrance we looked over the Devon countryside and could see for miles. We then entered the tree cover and traced the ancient upper fortification and ditch level, with the lower level clearly visible below us.

After this we proceeded to the two Bronze Age barrows in the middle of the fort, before decending back to Denbury Green and the Union Inn. A perfect way to finish off the day.
Wednesday was another sorcher and everyone on site was feeling it a bit, so whilst small finds records were being digitised in the Hub, it was decided that everyone needed a half day, as a bug was going around too.
Thursday, has gotten off to a good start however, with Student Intern Jess coming over to the Hub to digitise records at breakneck speed, and everyone is feeling refreshed, espicially since it is now a little overcast!