The end is near

The final week of excavation has sadly arrived! This season’s dig will end on Friday 24th August 2012. The Ipplepen Archaeological Project will continue into the future but for now we are all working hard to gather as much information as possible this week. We welcome the public to visit the site on Thursday 23rd August 11am to 3.30pm. Please visit the information point at the Hub for further instructions and for information on how to volunteer for future excavations.

Excavations summary for week 3

“An interesting development since last week has been the recovery of possible Middle Bronze Age pottery from a series of pits at the northern edge of the site. This would seem to indicate human activity on the site from around 1000BC.  We are starting to gain a deeper understanding of the site in the mid to late Iron Age as well as continuation into the Romano-British period,” explained Site Director Marc Steinmetzer.

Site Open Day will now take place on Thursday 23rd August

The postponed Site Open Day to the public will now take place on Thursday 23rd August between 11am and 3.30pm (weather permitting).

Please visit the information point at The Hub in Ipplepen prior to your visit to the site for further instructions and directions.

Please wear appropriate footwear and clothing for visiting the excavation site on the day.

We look forward to your visit!

Over 100 visitors at the information point

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Evernote 20120817 11:52:20

Despite the wintry weather and cancellation of our site open day to the public, over 100 visitors entered the information point at the Hub yesterday seeking information on the progress of the excavations so far. Students and archaeologists described their fieldwork experiences and ideas about the excavated features with local enthusiasts.

Site Open Day Cancelled!

It is with deep regret that we inform you that our site open day to the public is cancelled today due to the extreme weather conditions. The excavation site is flooded! Apologies to all for this inconvenience. The site open day will now take place on Thursday 23rd August 2012 11am to 3.30pm. Please come to the information point at The Hub for further instructions.