On Sunday two Young Archaeologists Clubs visited the site for the day. Members, parents and group leaders of both the Torbay Club and Somerset MAYA (Mick Aston’s Young Archaeologists) Club were given a site tour by John Davey and then divided into three rotating groups to help with various archaeological tasks. Under the supervision of John Davey, the Young Archaeologists brushed up on their troweling skills and helped to clean back an area in Trench 14. With Kristen Leith, the group sieved the spoil using hand sieves to look for any finds in the topsoil which might have been removed by the machine in the first week. With Danielle Wootton, the groups then looked at replica Roman pottery in order to learn about different pottery types and then helped to wash the finds, and to sort pottery sherds by type.
Members from both Clubs were very enthusiastic and said they’d had a fantastic day. Thank you everyone- we hope to see some of you at our open day on the 25th June!
Here are some quotes from Club members:
‘I really enjoyed it!’
‘It was exciting to be there when a find was found.’
‘I learned how to dig- I really enjoyed the digging.’
‘I learned how to dig.’
‘I enjoyed sieving and finding artefacts.’
‘I learned to always clean pottery carefully so experts can look at it.’
‘I learned what an amphora looks like.’
‘I learned about the different types of pottery, especially the baby feeder.’