Here are some photos from Yesterday on site:

We’ve just had our 100th visitor to the Hub this season! Don’t forget to come by and see our displays – we now have a display of some of the beads and a bracelet found during the 2014 dig. We’re in the Ipplepen Methodist church 10-4 every weekday so come and visit and see if you can be visitor number 200!
‘All systems go’ on site today as we start the 2015 season! What is really exciting about this year is that we are opening up two new trenches- too soon to say much about what might be in them yet, but make sure you check back here regularly as the excavation progresses in the coming days and weeks!
Just like last year we are in The Hub Monday-Friday 10.00-16.00. But this year we have bigger and better displays, with children’s activities, maps, displays and even more. Also, the cafe is open next door all week too, so make sure to nip by for a cup of tea and some cake too!
Photographs from the first day to follow soon!